February 2018 - Page 6 of 8 - Exponent Philanthropy

February 2018 Resources

Health Insurance Options

Recent surveys of Exponent Philanthropy foundation members have revealed that more than 60% provide health insurance options to their full-time staff. Nearly 20% provide health insurance to their part-time staff. See our most recent member survey data. Exponent Philanthropy does not offer a group health insurance policy at this time because state-specific regulations make it... Read More

Getting Your Work Done Well

There isn’t a right or wrong way to administer your foundation—staffed or unstaffed, paid or volunteer, consultant or employee. Choose the right model for you Volunteers Many small foundations are administered entirely by volunteers. Often, a founder or board member responds to calls, keeps records, and pays bills, just to name a few common tasks;... Read More

Filing Systems

To develop a filing system as part of your overall records management system, first sort your documents into major categories that fit with your foundation’s operations. Foundations sort their documents in different ways; some foundations, for example, sort according to the following categories: Founding Documents Legal and Accounting Records Board Records Program Records Personnel Records... Read More

Engaging Your Board

Don’t spend your days dreaming of more engaged members. Here are some ideas to get your trustees’ attention and breathe some life into your board: Communicate with your trustees–Ask them (either individually or as a group) what they want out of board service. Are they satisfied with the way things are? What would they like... Read More