April 2018 - Exponent Philanthropy

April 2018 Resources

Transform Your Bookkeeping With These Simple T’s

Producing audit-ready financial records for a private foundation can be an intimidating task—even for financial professionals. With fiscal year-ends that may differ from a calendar year (they do at roughly 50% of private foundations according to Thomas F. Blaney, CPA, CFE and partner, director of foundation services at PKF O’Connor Davies)—there often is no simple 12-month... Read More

Involving Teens in Philanthropy

By the time young people reach their teens, they are trying to develop their own identities and often prefer spending time with peers. Parents can help guide their teens’ philanthropic interests, but not dictate them. If teens aren’t interested in engaging in philanthropic activities with their families, parents may find opportunities for teens to do... Read More

Involving Young Children and Preteens in Philanthropy

Today many parents include their children in philanthropic activities as a way to pass on their personal values, provide shared experiences, establish traditions, and enjoy a satisfying and fulfilling family venture together. Sometimes parents also have the goal of preparing their children to manage the family’s philanthropy when they are adults. Involving children in philanthropy... Read More

Spring 2018: Funder Advocacy

Our highly rated quarterly publication for members provides a wealth of information and inspiration in one easy read. In this issue: Funders Embrace Advocacy to Catalyze Change My Family’s Foundation Entered the Policy Arena, and We Are Not Looking Back Why Our Community Foundation Partners With State Legislators Effective Meetings With Government Officials Read More

Webinar Recording
Managing Risk to Maximize Impact in Grantmaking

Funders are often described—and describe themselves—as being able to take risks that neither the private sector nor the government can or will take. However, no industry standard currently exists for defining, assessing, and managing risk in philanthropy. Few grantmakers assess risk during the application process and even fewer have processes in place to manage risks... Read More