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Search Results for “self-dealing”

Preparing for an IRS Audit

The best protection against audit problems is to know the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules and keep good records. The interest and dividend statements, canceled checks, and so forth that back up your return should be kept with the return. A typical foundation IRS audit notice requests that the following records be made available: Organizing... Read More

Overview of Laws Governing Private Foundations

Private foundations are subject to a range of legal regulations. The following list is not comprehensive but provides a sense of the scope of laws that apply to private foundations. Laws that apply to private foundations and public charities General legal requirements Fiduciary duties Conflicts of Interest Private inurement and public benefit Records and disclosures... Read More

Legal Requirements for Foundation Investments

Board members should be aware of three key legal requirements that may impact foundation investments. Avoid jeopardizing investments The board has the legal responsibility to manage the foundation’s assets in a manner that avoids imprudent investments. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may penalize the foundation if it is found to be engaging in investments that... Read More

Is Our Foundation Likely to Experience an IRS Audit?

Less than one-quarter of 1% of all tax returns filed by private foundations are examined by the Internal Revenue Service. Yet, certain states have seen an increase in attorney general inquiries (i.e., audits) into the operations of private foundations and components of the Form 990-PF, which usually accompanies a state filing. Attorney general audits can... Read More

Form 990-PF Tax Tips

The Form 990-PF is a complex, public document private foundations file annually with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to help ensure that they are fulfilling their charitable purposes. As a general policy, a foundation should try to file its Form 990-PF by the due date (i.e., the 15th day of the 5th month after the... Read More

Differences Between Foundations and Other Charities

The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) contains precise definitions for tax purposes of what is a charity and what is a private foundation. The difference is important because special rules and penalty taxes apply to private foundations but not public charities. Section 501(c)(3) of the IRC defines a charitable organization as follows: Corporations, and any community... Read More