Publications Archive - Page 10 of 12 - Exponent Philanthropy


How to Avoid Self-Dealing

How do you avoid self-dealing? The IRS developed self-dealing rules to ensure that foundations use their assets solely for charitable purposes. However, foundation managers not familiar with the law can find themselves violating self-dealing rules without even knowing it, or having any self-serving intent. And, ignorance of the rules or acting without malice will not excuse... Read More

Hiring Great Staff

New staff members can offer your foundation an opportunity to deepen its capacity, broaden its perspective, and increase its impact. In this primer, you’ll find an overview of the issues a foundation should weigh at each step of the hiring process. These steps include: Recruiting Interviewing Setting compensation Hiring New employee orientation Whether you are... Read More

Grantee and Applicant Perception Survey

Understand Your Grantees’ Perspectives Exponent Philanthropy’s Grantee and Applicant Perception Survey (GAPS) offers foundations a way to gather feedback from grantees and applicants on their processes, communication, and impact. The survey includes both multiple-choice and open-ended questions, allowing foundations to assess key areas like responsiveness, clarity, fairness, and collaboration.  Multiple-choice questions cover topics such as: ... Read More

Getting to Impact Through Planning

All foundation leaders have one thing in common: the desire to make a difference. But achieving impact requires good planning, intentional work, and a drive to keep learning and improving. This primer will help you undertake a thoughtful planning process that answers two important questions: What do we want to accomplish with our limited resources,... Read More