Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Grantmaking”  

Disaster Response: Connect, Collaborate, Consider, Communicate

Experts and experience have shown that the most effective grantmaking in response to a disaster follow the “Four Cs”: Connect with a good source of information about the disaster. Local organizations are already at the scene, know best what is needed, and understand the complex political, social, and cultural context. You might call on: The... Read More

Red Flags in Nonprofit Financials

You can find red flags in a nonprofit’s Form 990 or in its financial statements, as well as in conversation—and many do not require technical knowledge. ShoreBank, a community development bank serving Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit, provides the following list of red flags. Red flags in financial statements Decrease in annual revenue Decrease in net... Read More

Engaging Stakeholders for More Effective Grantmaking

Grantmakers can realize an array of benefits by engaging stakeholders effectively: A deeper understanding of issues and problems A truer sense of grantees’ needs and the challenges they’re facing More effective strategies for achieving the foundation’s mission The risks of not doing this work include frayed relationships with grantees and communities, insufficient understanding of key... Read More

Right-Sizing Your Requirements

Right-sizing means tailoring what you require of grantseekers and grantees to apply for and report on grants so that the requirements are proportionate to the size of grant, appropriate to the type of grant, and reflective of any existing relationship with the grantee. In short, right-sizing considers the notion of net grants, that is, the... Read More

How to Read Potential Grantees’ Financial Statements

The primary purpose of financial statements is to communicate the financial health of the grantee. A non-accountant should be able to understand a well- written statement. The balance sheet, a statement of position, views a grantee on a specific date. The income statement, a statement of activity, looks at a year’s operating activity. The statement... Read More

Finding Focus, Honoring Values

The past 10 years have been exciting ones for the Hill-Snowdon Foundation and the Snowdon family. For 40 years prior, we acted as a typical family foundation, coming together once a year to nominally approve grants recommended by family members. We funded some wonderful organizations reflecting the varied interests of the family, but you would... Read More