Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Community Foundations”  

Board Policies

Board policies work in tandem with the foundation’s bylaws or trust document to create the foundation’s structure. Bylaws or the trust document are legally binding and based in state law; policies also are considered binding, but they are less likely to be backed by force of law and are easier to amend (e.g., usually by... Read More

Engaging Stakeholders for More Effective Grantmaking

Grantmakers can realize an array of benefits by engaging stakeholders effectively: A deeper understanding of issues and problems A truer sense of grantees’ needs and the challenges they’re facing More effective strategies for achieving the foundation’s mission The risks of not doing this work include frayed relationships with grantees and communities, insufficient understanding of key... Read More

Preparing to Invest for Impact

For many years, small-staffed foundations have been at the heart of the impact investing movement, joining with—and, at times, leading—larger philanthropies. Small-staffed foundations tend to be more agile than their larger, staffed counterparts and also may have greater knowledge of the needs in certain issue areas and geographies. They are better positioned than larger foundations... Read More

Tips for a Successful Hiring Process

Hiring takes a good deal of time and sometimes money. The more thorough and careful your recruitment process is, the more likely the staff you choose will be successful and long term. Here are several tips: Decide whether to manage the search internally or with outside assistance—If your foundation decides to handle it, designate a... Read More

Conflict of Interest Policy

A conflict of interest can occur any time a board member or staff’s outside involvements (e.g., business interests, family relationships, political affiliations, other charitable activities) intersect with those of the foundation. The benefit, or potential benefit by board or staff, can lead to biased decisions and unethical behavior, or the appearance of such. In instances... Read More