Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Changing Young Lives Through Scholarships

“We’ve always been interested in young people and their college education,” said Mr. Smyth. While working in Wilmington, DE, he worked with inner-city kids. “That was the real impetus to set up the foundation. When we left Wilmington and retired in Virginia, we decided to create a local scholarship program.” Nelson County, a rural area... Read More

Five Barriers to Focus and Ways to Push Past Them

Not long ago, Exponent Philanthropy convened eight funders interested in focusing their giving. Over the course of our 7 months together, we named several rationalizations for not focusing. Have you used or heard any yourself? We share the following five and include ways to move past them. Misconception: Good deeds and good intentions will lead... Read More

Giving More Than Grants: One Foundation’s Story

Started in 1994 by Catherine Muther, a former Cisco Systems executive, Three Guineas Fund “promotes social justice by expanding access to economic opportunity for women and girls.” One would think that a mission so considerable requires a large staff and endowment, but Three Guineas Fund, with assets less than $6 million and only one full-time... Read More

Employee Compensation: Legal Responsibilities

As an employer, you are responsible for documenting that your employee is eligible to work in the United States. To do this, the employee must complete Immigration and Naturalization Service Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. You, the employer, must keep this form on file for as long as the employee works for you. For small... Read More

Collaborating With Other Funders

Collaboratives offer funders the opportunity to: Exchange information and best practices. Leverage grantmaking and streamline efforts. Work on a larger scale in terms of dollars or visibility. Share risks and opportunities. In some cases, fund jointly. Is a funder collaborative right for you? Read on. Funder collaboratives defined Each of three types of funder collaboratives... Read More

Key Elements of a Grantmaking Strategy

What are some key elements of a grantmaking strategy? A mission statement, which is informed by the donor’s intent and objectives A statement of purpose, defined by program interests, geographic focus, grantmaking style A process for accepting, reviewing, and awarding grants A set of guidelines that inform the grantseeking community about what the foundation does... Read More