Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Private Foundations”  

Health Insurance Options

Recent surveys of Exponent Philanthropy foundation members have revealed that more than 60% provide health insurance options to their full-time staff. Nearly 20% provide health insurance to their part-time staff. See our most recent member survey data. Exponent Philanthropy does not offer a group health insurance policy at this time because state-specific regulations make it... Read More

Attending to Conflicts of Interest and Self-Dealing

Are you equipped to recognize conflicts of interest and acts of self-dealing? Are you ready to respond if you uncover either at your foundation? Start here, and if you have further questions after reading this article, don’t hesitate to call on Exponent Philanthropy. Recognizing conflicts of interest Conflicts of interest arise when foundation roles intersect... Read More

Technology Tools for Foundation Boards

To identify the technology that fits your foundation best, you’ll want to survey your board’s needs and the ever-changing technology resources available. You’ll also want to arm yourself with a good sense of your board’s tech-related strengths and shortcomings, working styles, and budget. Talking with other foundations about what works for them also may help.... Read More

Facilitation: Tools of the Trade for Grantmakers

Facilitation can and should be a key component of any grantmaker’s toolbox. According to Exponent Philanthropy members, a well-facilitated meeting: Sticks to an agenda Progresses smoothly Gets results Draws folks out Engages participants well Dissipates tense situations Increases participants’ buy-in Creates a space in which participants feel valued and important The ability to confidently and... Read More

Expenditure Responsibility

Expenditure responsibility requires private foundations to: Take steps to ensure that grants to certain organizations are spent only for the charitable purposes for which they were made. Obtain full and complete reports from the grantee on how the funds were spent. Make full and detailed reports on the expenditures to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).... Read More

Self-Dealing Issues for Private Foundations That Co-Invest With Disqualified Persons

Private foundations, or PFs, occasionally consider making investments in vehicles in which one or more of their disqualified persons, or DPs (e.g., officers, directors, substantial contributors) also have invested or also are considering an investment. This article focuses on issues raised for investments in vehicles that are owned and managed by persons unrelated to the... Read More