Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Philanthropy Lessons: Who Knows More?

Let’s say you own a company that makes energy bars. You wouldn’t dream of releasing a new product line without seeing if your fitness-focused target buyers liked it. Similarly, a foundation should not launch a new grant program without checking in with the intended recipients to see if it’s what they really need. Why don’t... Read More

Making the Early Grant, and Very Often the First

“When we first came to you, all we had was an idea. Blackstone’s early support for the climate/forests idea helped to precipitate a vast wave of organizational, scientific, and programmatic activity that has culminated in placing it at the top of the international agenda.” Jan Hartke, Partnership Director of the Clinton Foundation, 2011 Blackstone Ranch... Read More

What Is Behind Great Funder–Nonprofit Relationships?

Often in the complex funder–nonprofit relationship, it seems nonprofits do the asking, reporting, and proving, while donors sit in positions to say yes or no, how much, when, and what’s required. Achieving a different, deeper relationship takes more than just good intentions—it takes flexibility, finesse, and a sincere desire to acknowledge and address the power... Read More

Hatred Never Takes a Day Off; Neither Should We

I grew up and spent most of my life in greater Boston. This included the 1970s when racial tension in the city was heightened by court-ordered bussing to desegregate the Boston City Schools. It was an ugly time for the region and a city so integral to the American Revolution. If I’m honest with myself,... Read More

Find Your Guiding Purpose in Philanthropy

Contributing your full self, the best that you can be, is important in any kind of enterprise. In small-staffed philanthropy, it’s essential. Small funders who’ve made significant, outsized impact often say the knowledge, relationships, “street savvy,” and reputation they leveraged played the crucial role. They will say, “Money wasn’t the most important thing. It was... Read More

Bracing for Market Volatility

For the past few years, investors have enjoyed a long period of relative calm in the markets. In recent months, however, market volatility has begun to rear its head. This volatility can naturally be unnerving, but one must remember that volatility is, in fact, a normal part of the investing cycle. Those of us that... Read More