Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Families”  

Disaster Response: Connect, Collaborate, Consider, Communicate

Experts and experience have shown that the most effective grantmaking in response to a disaster follow the “Four Cs”: Connect with a good source of information about the disaster. Local organizations are already at the scene, know best what is needed, and understand the complex political, social, and cultural context. You might call on: The... Read More

Values-Based Giving During the Great Recession

Given the tremendous and rapid changes in resources and community needs during the Great Recession, foundations reevaluated their work and responded to this new and complex environment. For guidance, some foundations turned to other organizations and experts for recommendations. Others looked inward and used their own missions, values, and histories to respond. What does it... Read More

Finding Focus, Honoring Values

The past 10 years have been exciting ones for the Hill-Snowdon Foundation and the Snowdon family. For 40 years prior, we acted as a typical family foundation, coming together once a year to nominally approve grants recommended by family members. We funded some wonderful organizations reflecting the varied interests of the family, but you would... Read More

Engaging Young Adults in Philanthropy

“For those who have already begun to involve next generation family members,” says Sharna Goldseker, who works on multigenerational strategic philanthropy at the organization 21/64, “you probably have also experienced how the very act of involving the next generation changes the character of the foundation itself. The questions the next generation brings, language they use,... Read More

Five Steps to Conducting Effective Site Visits

For small foundations and large foundations alike, conducting site visits often is an important step in deciding whether to fund a nonprofit. Being comfortable scheduling and conducting a site visit is an important skill. The following are steps you can take to maximize the site visit experience. Step 1 Establish a purpose. A site visit... Read More

From the Desks of Junior Board Members

Kylie, age 9, writes: Last year was such a great year. The board approved my grant request for Project HELP, and I presented a session called “Youth on Board” at the Exponent Philanthropy National Conference. I was the youngest person to present at the conference. I got to answer questions and even get interviewed afterward.... Read More