Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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My Mind Is Confused. My Heart Is Heavy.

For several days, I have struggled with how to make sense of what is happening in this country. I’ve heard commentators—black and white—prognosticate on what we must do, while trying to explain what brought us to today. I have read words from my colleagues in the philanthropic field, calling for action and offering heartfelt directions... Read More

Getting Started: Nonprofit Sector 101

Understanding the world of nonprofits, and where foundations and other forms of giving fit in. Nonprofit sector collectively describes the institutions and organizations in American society that are neither government nor business. A nonprofit is an organization that exists to benefit the public and isn’t in the business of making money. Any profits it earns aren’t... Read More

Community and Collaboration Drive Family Foundation’s Grantmaking

Through community and collaboration, the people of New Mexico have survived harsh conditions to thrive for hundreds of years. As a foundation that funds exclusively in the state, we continue to see the power of these values in our philanthropic work. Our most recent strategic plan states, “If we co-create a more aligned, collaborative and... Read More

How One Family Foundation Honors Its Living Founder

The Darr Family Foundation is somewhat unique to the field of family philanthropy. The founder, William (Bill) H. Darr, is still living, but not a board member. Similarly, the executive director is non-family. Honoring a living founder Bill Darr grew up on a small farm in Ellington, Missouri. He pioneered a food dehydration technique for... Read More

Funders: Considering Collaboration? Start With a Light Touch and See Where It Leads

This post originally appeared on Blackbaud’s sgENGAGE blog. When smaller, place-based foundations collaborate and align their work, they provide unique value to local communities and nonprofits. Still, many foundations shy away from working together, assuming it will require considerable time and a loss of independence.   Funder collaboration need not be burdensome. Nor does it require... Read More

Planting Seeds for Organizational Financial Health and Independence

Over the past few years throughout the social sector, we’ve witnessed an unprecedented number of what many have termed, transformational gifts. These contributions span widely. Depending on the size of the recipient organization, they range from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars across a broad range of institutions and issues. However, their... Read More