Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Tax and Legal”  

Lobbying: Is Incorrect Advice Inhibiting Your Ability to Act?

Most foundations cannot directly earmark money to support a lobbying campaign. (Community foundations and others that have public charity status are notable exceptions to this rule.) What constitutes lobbying, however, often is murky. Support for a public education campaign, for example, usually is not lobbying, assuming it does not urge lawmakers or the public to... Read More

Understanding the Excise Tax

Understanding the Excise Tax Although private foundations are exempt from the federal income tax, each private foundation must pay an annual excise tax on its net investment income.  Congress imposed this tax in 1969, arguing that the income was necessary to pay for the costs of auditing and monitoring private foundations. Historically, the tax was... Read More

Minimum Private Foundation Requirements

Here are the things a private foundation must do every year to remain a private foundation and stay out of trouble: Pay your annual excise tax on the foundation’s net investment income through quarterly estimated payments. File your federal tax returns and comply with state filing rules. Meet your annual minimum distribution requirement through grants... Read More

Are You Underestimating Your D&O Liability?

Even for nonprofit foundations with few or no employees, the risk of litigation is real—and rising. Why D&O insurance? Once assumed to be costly and once excluded from many nonprofit budgets as a result, D&O liability insurance has evolved into a broad, affordable, and important form of coverage for any foundation. Even if you have... Read More

Meeting Your Minimum Distribution Requirement

In 1964, Congress enacted mandatory distribution rules to prevent private foundations from receiving gifts and investing the assets—yet never spending funds for charitable purposes. Congress thought it unfair to allow a charitable deduction when, in some cases, funds were not being directed to charity. A private foundation must make annual charitable expenditures, called qualifying distributions, equal... Read More

Year-End Tips for Meeting Your Minimum

It’s December and your foundation wants to fulfill its payout requirement within the calendar year. What can you do? Ask your local community foundation, association of grantmakers, or giving circles for information about community needs and nonprofits they support. Consult with members of the faith community. Ask your government social services agencies, United Way, or... Read More