Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Impact Investing: Impact Measures and Monitoring Tools

This post is an excerpt from the complimentary resource Essentials of Impact Investing: A Guide for Small-Staffed Foundations, created by Exponent Philanthropy and partners Mission Investors Exchange and Arabella Advisors. Want to align your investments with your mission? Download your copy >> By Christa Velasquez, University of Chicago  So much time and effort is focused on getting an impact investment closed and... Read More

Coming to the Work as Equals

When my wife and I set up our family foundation in 2012, we engaged my three children (then in their late teens and early 20s) in deciding whether a foundation was something we wanted to do as a family. We pressed the kids long and hard, even handed out questionnaires, wanting it to be a... Read More

Deep Listening Starts Here

Listening. It’s a skill we’ve been talking about a lot here at Exponent Philanthropy. Why? First, because we believe that listening is an essential skill for effective philanthropy. When—and only when—we listen deeply and humbly to those we serve, can we learn about their true needs and how we can partner most effectively to create... Read More

Foundations, Know Thyself

I’ve been on local television for nearly 30 years, and the recognition that comes with it (especially to an older demographic) drives my 9-year-old son crazy. So when a middle-aged gentleman stopped me in the parking lot of a local restaurant a couple weeks ago, and wanted to know if I was “the news man,”... Read More

Foundations Regroup to Meet Shifting Public Policy

Responding to dramatic changes in public policy in 2017, many foundation leaders have tailored their strategies and tactics in continued pursuit of their missions. Armed with clear focus, experience, and strong networks, these foundations are modeling good philanthropic practice that is worth noticing. Recently, dozens of funders gathered at Associated Grant Makers (AGM) to discuss... Read More

None of Us Has Any Wiggle Room on This

Throughout the year, I write to our member donors to pass along insights I gather in my dual role as Exponent Philanthropy member and CEO, and to provide a special window onto our activities. My most recent communication sparked many positive notes in return, and I’m pleased to share it here with our broader community. I’ve... Read More