Boards and Governance Archives - Page 15 of 29 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Boards and Governance”

Starting a Private Foundation

Private foundations play an important role in communities across the country—filling the shelves of food pantries, employing directors of youth centers, advocating for human rights, and much more. Opportunities abound for you to make a difference through private foundation giving. How do you determine if a private foundation is right for you? Know the field... Read More

Comparing Mission, Vision, and Values Statements

Exponent Philanthropy members often ask about mission, vision, and values statements: What are they? Does my foundation need them? How do we create them? Maridel Moulton, an organizational development consultant, presented the following information at an Exponent Philanthropy educational program. What is a mission statement? In one or two sentences, a mission statement clarifies what... Read More

Recruiting Foundation Board Members: How to Find the Right People

One of the most important decisions you will make for your foundation is selecting your board members. The people you choose will help shape your foundation’s future and influence its ability to fulfill its mission. This primer guides you through an effective board recruitment process. It covers topics including: Identifying and cultivating potential board members... Read More