Tax and Legal Archives - Page 4 of 13 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Tax and Legal”

Inviting an Audit

As managing director of a small family foundation, I had often wondered what would happen if the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the state attorney general came knocking on our foundation’s door. Would we be prepared for an audit? Would the foundation be in compliance with legal and tax reporting requirements? Did our original organizational... Read More

Minimum Private Foundation Requirements

Here are the things a private foundation must do every year to remain a private foundation and stay out of trouble: Pay your annual excise tax on the foundation’s net investment income through quarterly estimated payments. File your federal tax returns and comply with state filing rules. Meet your annual minimum distribution requirement through grants... Read More

Starting a Private Foundation

Private foundations play an important role in communities across the country—filling the shelves of food pantries, employing directors of youth centers, advocating for human rights, and much more. Opportunities abound for you to make a difference through private foundation giving. How do you determine if a private foundation is right for you? Know the field... Read More