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Search Results for “equity”

Broader & Deeper: 5-Part Investment Due Diligence Program

This article suggests that it will be useful for foundations to think about investment manager due diligence in a different conceptual framework than typically has been used in the past. The typical framework has had two major elements: Investment due diligence Operational due diligence This article suggests that investors, including foundations, will be well-served by... Read More

Allocating Your Assets

Are you talking with your board and investment advisors about asset allocation? Concepts to consider A number of concepts should be understood before you tackle the important work of creating an investment policy and allocating assets. Investment time horizon How long do you want your foundation to exist? Do you plan for your foundation to... Read More

Top 5 Ways to Make an Impact Beyond Grantmaking

Originally distributed as part of Glenmede’s Top 5 series While grantmaking remains one of the most powerful ways for philanthropists to create an impact, new ways of thinking have inspired philanthropists to leverage additional strategies. Become a Strategic Partner, Not Just a Funding Source Grantmakers have the ability to impact grantees in a number of... Read More

Participant Guidelines

Eligibility Exponent Philanthropy programs are open to foundation donors, trustees, and staff; individual donors; donor advised fund holders; members of giving circles; board and staff of philanthropic support organizations; and Exponent Philanthropy sustaining and professional partners. The attendance of any party shall be within the sole discretion of Exponent Philanthropy. Exponent Philanthropy programs are not open... Read More

Webinar Recording
The Role of Alternative Investments in Foundation Investing

In Exponent Philanthropy’s 2016 Foundation Operations and Management Report, only 10% of respondents report investing in “alternative” strategies. These investments include commodities, real estate, hedge funds, and private equity, and they are increasingly seen as a way to mitigate the volatility of stocks and bonds. Learn what these asset classes represent, why and how to include... Read More

Staff Biographies

  Paul D. Daugherty Chief Executive Officer Paul received his bachelor of arts degree double majoring in Communication Studies and Political Science at West Virginia Wesleyan College. He has completed graduate courses and advanced training at Marshall University and Georgetown University. When he’s not working on philanthropy and strengthening communities, he spends his time honing... Read More