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Search Results for “equity”

Collaborating to Address COVID Racial Health Equity in Louisiana

In March, Louisiana had the fastest growth rate of coronavirus cases in the world. To help the state until federal dollars were ready, the Irene W. & C.B. Pennington Foundation, the Baton Rouge Area Foundation and Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation each donated $400,000 to start a $1.2 million COVID-19 Response Fund—a request from Governor... Read More

How Racial Equity Supports Better Grantmaking Practices

Note: This post originally appeared on the GrantCraft Candid Learning for Funders blog. Exponent Philanthropy is on a journey to understand, embrace, and champion racial equity. So, we’re embedding it in our programs and research. For instance, our 2020 Foundation Operations and Management Report explored the relationship between the relevance of racial equity to a... Read More

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

 Our Commitment Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in our community of lean funders, and among the philanthropic field more broadly, is one pillar in our five-year strategic plan. In January 2019, our board formally adopted the following resolution: . The Board endorses and supports the staff of Exponent Philanthropy as they continue to develop... Read More

Amy’s Story: Using Privilege to Promote Equity

As a white, wealthy person who plays an active role in AMKRF (Amy Mandel and Katina Rodis Fund)’s work, I occupy a unique position, and I am in constant reflection about who I am, how I show up, and the impacts and consequences of our work. At a personal level, I wrestle with multiple questions.... Read More

Embracing a Racial Equity Lens in Your Philanthropy

As my fellow Exponent Philanthropy staff, colleagues, and board members continue on our journey to actively embrace equity, inclusion, and diversity I find myself, as a funder, thinking about things differently. Each new seed of insight doesn’t cause an immediate seismic shift in my grantmaking, but is a catalyst for cleaning my glasses, opening my... Read More