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Search Results for “equity”

Orange County Grantmakers: Our Equity Journey

Equity is a buzzword heard seemingly everywhere these days. For some, equity is about opportunity. For others, it’s the full inclusion of an entire region’s residents in the economic, social and political life of the area. In the nonprofit and philanthropic space, equity is undeniably central to our mission, despite its varying definitions. Commissioning an... Read More

Webinar Recording
Journeys to Equity

We invite you to join us to explore the different approaches lean funders can take to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in your work. Hear from peers about what their journey has been like, and reflect on how to adopt these practices to amplify your impact. Our goal is that you leave this program inspired... Read More

3 Immediate Steps Funders Can Take To Move Towards Racial Equity

Diversity and racial equity touch on every aspect of a foundation’s work. In the blog posts Developing a Shared Language and Introducing an Anti-Racist Intersectional Frame, we discussed how philanthropy can advance racial equity. In this post, we lay out three ways you can start doing racial equity work in real time. 1. Look Internally... Read More

Collaborating to Address COVID Racial Health Equity in Louisiana

In March, Louisiana had the fastest growth rate of coronavirus cases in the world. To help the state until federal dollars were ready, the Irene W. & C.B. Pennington Foundation, the Baton Rouge Area Foundation and Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation each donated $400,000 to start a $1.2 million COVID-19 Response Fund—a request from Governor... Read More