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Search Results for “equity”

Connecting Our Philanthropic Community – 2024 Boston Regional Gathering

I am writing this on the train back from spending an exhilarating few days with nearly 50 Exponent Philanthropy members, partners, and supporters across Greater Boston. Our second Regional Gathering of 2024 was an incredible experience full of connecting, learning, and sharing. It also reminded me that being together in person—even as many of us... Read More

On-Ramp to Catalytic Leadership in Philanthropy

The On-Ramp to Catalytic Philanthropy provides training, community, and support to lean funders interested developing their Catalytic Leadership in Philanthropy skills. This program will build your confidence in pursuing new pathways in your philanthropy through experiential learning, skills practice, and hands-on work. It is designed to be a meaningful, transformative experience – one that could... Read More

Equitable Grantmaking: Essential, Fundamental Practices

To make an outsized and lasting impact in their communities and issue areas, grantmakers must be intentional about equity and inclusion within their boards, governance, and funding efforts. The journey towards equitable grantmaking is not merely about ticking boxes; it’s a transformative process that demands introspection, learning, and action. While adopting equitable grantmaking practices serves... Read More

Grantmaking Due Diligence: Organizational Budget Size

This post originally appeared on GMA Foundations’ blog. Organizational budget size is a favorite proxy indicator in philanthropy. Donors use rules of thumb to streamline grantmaking due diligence, but generalizations are imperfect. Using organizational budget size as a proxy indicator can reinforce funding inequities and lead to lost opportunity. Here are a few ways to... Read More

How Lean Funders Responded to Recent Historic Inflation

In 2022, the United States experienced historically high inflation rates. This took a toll on communities, nonprofits, and foundations alike. Inflation significantly impacted funders and altered the ways they approached grantmaking, grantees, and staff compensation. Some foundations even considered modifying their investment strategies to keep pace with rampant inflation. We compiled this information in our... Read More

Using Multiyear Funding to Supercharge Your Grantmaking

Multiyear funding—support that funders commit up-front for multiple years—is a key to strengthening nonprofit effectiveness, capacity, and impact. These grants guarantee income streams, lessening the time grantees need to fundraise so they can better carry out their missions. When many foundations are cutting grant budgets and reducing their number of grantees, committing scarce funds for... Read More