Henry Berman, Author at Exponent Philanthropy - Page 4 of 4

Henry Berman Recent Posts

From the Mouths of Funders and Nonprofits: 20 Ways to Build Better Relationships

Last week we held two “Great Funder-Nonprofit Relationships” programs generously supported by the Fund for Shared Insight. More than 200 total participants, representing both funders and nonprofits, joined us for candid conversations in Los Angeles and San Francisco. What does a great funder-nonprofit relationship look and feel like? We asked this question during the program... Read More

The “Other” Investment Policy Statement

To create change, improve lives, or find a cure, philanthropists must approach their work as an investment and not simply as a gift. By definition, gift giving requires nothing in return. So when our sector talks about major gifts or big givers, we lose track of what effective philanthropy should be: a carefully constructed investment... Read More

The Importance of a Funder’s Humility

Each quarter, I write to our member donors to pass along insights I gather in my dual role as Exponent Philanthropy member and CEO, and to provide a special window onto our activities. My most recent communication—sent last month—sparked many positive notes in return, from donors who found it helpful personally and in working with... Read More