Peter Klein, Author at Exponent Philanthropy

Peter Klein Recent Posts

Pivoting Through COVID-19: Portfolio Alignment for Foundations

In 2020, the pandemic upended our daily lives and the philanthropic landscape. But the Claire Friedlander Family Foundation‘s board saw this crisis as an opportunity to transform their giving, investment focus and protocol — proactively aligning the assets of the foundation with its mission. The pandemic and ensuing hardships gave the board the impetus to... Read More

Bracing for Market Volatility

For the past few years, investors have enjoyed a long period of relative calm in the markets. In recent months, however, market volatility has begun to rear its head. This volatility can naturally be unnerving, but one must remember that volatility is, in fact, a normal part of the investing cycle. Those of us that... Read More

Increase Foundation Cash Flow, Conservatively

Kelly is a foundation trustee who, during a recent review of the foundation’s investment portfolio, learned that income generated by the portfolio was not enough to fund the foundation’s charitable activities—the required 5% annual distribution. Although the portfolio’s returns were good, cash flow was an issue. Kelly wondered about a conservative way to generate cash... Read More