Publications Archive - Page 8 of 12 - Exponent Philanthropy


Teen Philanthropy Café

This series introduces young people to strategic, thoughtful philanthropy, and inspires them toward giving with impact. Families and adults who work with youth can use these guides to facilitate peer discussions and fun activities around giving. On the menu Order a full-color, printed set of these readers. This project is a partnership of Exponent Philanthropy and... Read More

The Trustee Handbook: Essentials for Effective Foundation Board Members

We designed this handbook specifically for trustees and directors of small-staffed foundations, and key staff who work closely with them. It provides information on and insights into foundation fundamentals: governance, grantmaking, legal compliance, and financial oversight. At the same time, it shares a wealth of tips and tools to orient you to the trustee role.... Read More

Strategic Uses of Donor Advised Funds

Private foundations are a great way to give. And many foundations use multiple giving vehicles to accomplish their charitable goals. One of these vehicles is donor advised funds (DAFs). This primer looks at how DAFs work and how your foundation can use DAFs to further its philanthropic goals. It covers: How DAFs differ from private... Read More

Ramping Up Your Foundation: Key Considerations for Planning and Managing a Significant Increase in Giving

Ramping up giving offers your foundation a number of opportunities, including deeper stakeholder engagement, extended reach and influence, new funding strategies, and greater impact in your interest area. This primer is designed to help foundations like yours thoughtfully and responsibly plan for a significant ramp-up in giving and/or adjust to a sudden infusion of assets.... Read More