Q&A's Archive - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

Is Exponent holding a 990-PF program this year?

Yes! Exponent is holding a 990-PF Pre-Conference Tax Seminar on November 13, 2024, in Austin, Texas. Designed for anyone who prepares or signs a Form 990-PF, this signature seminar will give you a thorough understanding of the 990-PF, the 5% payout requirement, expenditure responsibility, and more.      Read More

How can I nominate someone for an Outsized Impact Award? 

The 2024 Outsized Impact Award honors an individual at an Exponent Philanthropy member organization whose philanthropy is achieving an outsized or greater than expected impact.  Nominees might demonstrate any of the following characteristics:  Agility or responsiveness to community  Addressing an ignored or overlooked need  Engaging closely with the communities they fund  Creating connections or convening stakeholders  Inspiring others  Catalyzing... Read More

Are there any 2024 conference sessions that specifically address family foundations?

Yes! These conference sessions specifically address family foundations: Thursday, November 14, 2024 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM SESSION: Seeking Independent Directors for Family Foundations Many family foundations find themselves ready to bring on an independent, non-family board member to participate in decision-making. Independent directors can add immense value through issue area expertise, lived experience, financial acumen, community... Read More

How common is board compensation among Exponent’s membership?

Compensation for Routine Board Service All foundations rely on trustees for leadership, oversight, and planning. But many lean foundations also rely on trustees for a considerable amount of the labor needed to run a foundation. To acknowledge the crucial role that trustees play in their governance and operations, some foundations compensate members for routine board... Read More