Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Boards and Governance”  

Five Ways to Keep Your Trustees on Track

Trustees have many responsibilities, and it’s important to be vigilant in the areas in which trustees trip up most. Here are five ways to keep your trustees on the right track. Develop a cohesive and compelling purpose Foundations with a clear mission statement can minimize the conflicts that arise when trustees’ personal agendas dominate. Work... Read More

A Quick Guide to Foundation Bylaws

Bylaws are a must for any foundation. They specify the operations and rules of conduct for a foundation—how it will run and be managed. Every foundation that is formed as a corporation must have bylaws among its governing documents. Each state has its own specifications for content of the bylaws, and your foundation’s bylaws must... Read More

Starting a Private Foundation

Private foundations play an important role in communities across the country—filling the shelves of food pantries, employing directors of youth centers, advocating for human rights, and much more. Opportunities abound for you to make a difference through private foundation giving. How do you determine if a private foundation is right for you? Know the field... Read More

Governing Documents and Mission Statement

Whether a foundation is formed as a corporation or a trust, it must comply with its governing documents, which are legally binding. If your foundation is a corporation, its governing documents are its articles of incorporation—referred to by some states as articles of organization or certificate of incorporation—filed with the state’s secretary of state (or... Read More

Annual Board To-Dos: A Checklist for Running a Foundation

The following checklist, designed for established foundations (not start-ups), offers recommended and legally required action items. We encourage you to make it your own. Governance Board meetings—Give notice, take care of business, hold elections, and set a meeting calendar (once per year at a minimum or more often, as appropriate). Meeting minutes—Take minutes and approve... Read More

Engaging Your Board

Don’t spend your days dreaming of more engaged members. Here are some ideas to get your trustees’ attention and breathe some life into your board: Communicate with your trustees–Ask them (either individually or as a group) what they want out of board service. Are they satisfied with the way things are? What would they like... Read More