Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Community Foundations”  

Differences Between Foundations and Other Charities

The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) contains precise definitions for tax purposes of what is a charity and what is a private foundation. The difference is important because special rules and penalty taxes apply to private foundations but not public charities. Section 501(c)(3) of the IRC defines a charitable organization as follows: Corporations, and any community... Read More

A Grants Management System

As a first step toward determining if your foundation will benefit from a grants management system, discuss your priorities and parameters: What does your foundation want to track? Exponent Philanthropy members tend to track some or all of the following: Contact information for grant applicants and recipients (organizational and individual) Basic application information (e.g., amount... Read More

Minding Your Ps and Qs

There is always room—and a need—to keep learning, adapting, and improving. Embrace continual learning People learn in different ways: through formal training, conversation, coaching, reading, doing, and, most often, through a combination of all these. It’s important to develop a learning agenda for yourself and your organization, including the most effective and feasible ways to... Read More

Fiduciary Responsibility

Fiduciaries should avoid the following Investment practices: Not adhering to the investment policy statement—This is one of the most common mistakes cited by investment advisors to foundations. Self-dealing—Foundation insiders cannot direct investment decisions and/or revenues to self, relatives, close friends, or colleagues. Paying a family member to serve as an investment advisor—Doing so makes it... Read More

What Are Alternative Investments?

Some foundations (along with other institutional investors, such as pension plans, sovereign wealth funds and endowments, and ultra-high-net-worth individual investors) are increasingly moving away from the traditional 60–40 asset allocation model, meaning 60% allocation to equities and 40% to fixed-income assets. Investors are moving away because, quite often in recent years, their return objectives have... Read More

Board Retreats

A board retreat can be an excellent way to spend time on an issue too significant or time intensive to be handled properly within a normal meeting agenda. Many foundations hold board retreats on occasion (ranging from every year to every few years) to ensure that the board addresses important topics, such as the foundation’s... Read More