Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Private Foundations”  

Investment Committees

Even small foundation boards can benefit from developing an investment committee with just a few members so it is clear who is leading the charge. Board members who understand investing make natural choices for an investment committee; however, they should serve alongside less experienced board members. (Be sure more than one experienced person is on... Read More

Filing Systems

To develop a filing system as part of your overall records management system, first sort your documents into major categories that fit with your foundation’s operations. Foundations sort their documents in different ways; some foundations, for example, sort according to the following categories: Founding Documents Legal and Accounting Records Board Records Program Records Personnel Records... Read More

Recruiting Foundation Trustees

When an open seat becomes available on your board, how do you decide who will fill it? Do you cross your fingers and hope for the best? Many small foundations rely on luck: filling the board with candidates who have the right last name or the right connection to the board. These candidates, though, might... Read More

Direct Charitable Activities

Direct charitable activities (DCAs) are those in which the foundation maintains some significant involvement, rather than simply awarding a grant to a recipient that carries out the activity. Examples include: Conducting educational seminars and conferences Providing goods, shelter, or clothing in which the foundation maintains some significant involvement (e.g., the distribution or delivery of the... Read More

Public Disclosure Requirements

As a private foundation, you are required to make the following documents available to the public: Form 990-PF, the annual information return filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), for the 3 most recent years Form 1023, the application for federal tax-exempt status (and all related correspondence with the IRS) Form 990-T, the unrelated business... Read More

Complying With Anti-Terrorist Financing Rules

Executive Order 13224, issued by President George W. Bush on September 25, 2001, was entitled “Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism.” It includes a long list of individuals and organizations perceived to be associated with terrorism. If a foundation is found to be supporting any individual... Read More