Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Private Foundations”  

Webinar Recording
Small-Staffed Foundation Trends: Exponent Philanthropy Turns 20

Kick off Exponent Philanthropy’s yearlong 20th anniversary celebration with a conversation about data and trends in small-staffed foundation giving. Senior Program Director Ruth Masterson will be joined by several Exponent Philanthropy members to reflect on what funders have come to see and do differently over the years—and what they haven’t, all grounded in data from... Read More

Webinar Recording
The Role of Alternative Investments in Foundation Investing

In Exponent Philanthropy’s 2016 Foundation Operations and Management Report, only 10% of respondents report investing in “alternative” strategies. These investments include commodities, real estate, hedge funds, and private equity, and they are increasingly seen as a way to mitigate the volatility of stocks and bonds. Learn what these asset classes represent, why and how to include... Read More

Readying Your Philanthropy for an Influx of Assets

Ramping up—or significantly increasing charitable giving or activities—can be an empowering transition point in your philanthropy. It can also leave you bewildered by the complexities that come with your new normal. What does it mean to ramp up in response to an influx of assets—perhaps the most common reason funders increase their charitable giving and/or... Read More

Foundation Benchmarking Demystified

Are you uncertain whether your foundation is benchmarking to its fullest advantage? Do you wonder if you should do more? Benchmarking can be a simple, straightforward process. Your foundation can benefit from it with minimal time and effort, and on any budget. Common types of benchmarking include: Best practices benchmarking involves looking at other foundations... Read More

Ready to ACT? 3 Steps to Effective Foundation Communications

An effective communications strategy can amplify a foundation’s impact by lifting up the successes of its grantees and other partners, elevating the causes that matter most to the organization, and connecting ideas, people, and resources around a common purpose. Every foundation, regardless of size, can reap the rewards of integrating a strategic communications approach into... Read More

New Legislation Impacting Private Foundations

As we enter the new year and decade, I want to call your attention to an important piece of legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by the President in the closing days of 2019 that has significant implications for those of us in the world of private foundations. The “Further Consolidated Appropriations Act,... Read More