Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Private Foundations”  

What’s Your “Type”? Complex New Regulations Highlight Importance of Supporting Organization Classification

For funders, especially private foundations, the federal tax rules governing supporting organizations can be important. Grants by private foundations to certain types of supporting organizations are subject to expenditure responsibility and may not be counted toward the private foundation’s annual 5% minimum distribution requirement. The complexity of the rules governing supporting organizations, updated on February... Read More

Creating Champions for Change From Within

You probably know the feeling. You’ve attended a dynamic conference, read a groundbreaking book, or had an inspiring conversation with a colleague. You know that if you could just get your boss or your board to act on this newfound knowledge, you could make some real changes that result in measurable improvement—either within your own... Read More

When $100,000 Goes Further Than a Traditional Grant

Many nonprofits across the country struggle with financial viability, according to a recent report based on data provided by GuideStar. The majority have less than one month of operating reserves, and 30% face potential liquidity issues. Nonprofits in the education and health and human services sectors, typically reliant on government contracts and fee-for-service-revenue, operate with... Read More

The Newest Book to Guide—and Challenge—My Philanthropy

Directly across from the standing desk I use is a bookcase. When peering over my monitor, I’m drawn to the top shelf where, kept at eye level, is a stack of books I have read. They sit there as reminders of concepts I want to have right in my face as I work in philanthropy.... Read More

Put Your Plans Into Action – Not on the Shelf

I once sat on the board of a nonprofit organization that had undertaken what eventually became an award-winning planning process for its property holdings. This effort engaged all staff and board and generated lots of creative energy from the surrounding community. Within a couple months after completing the plan, staff recommended a capital improvement inconsistent... Read More

Shaping a Foundation’s Future While Honoring Its Past

We’ve had the great pleasure of serving as the grantmaking and foundation management partner for Kathleen deLaski and the deLaski Family Foundation for the past three years. The foundation brought us on to help it adapt its mission, vision, and goals in a way that makes the most of the current board’s knowledge, networks, and... Read More