Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Key Questions for Collaborators

About two-thirds of Exponent Philanthropy’s members tell us they collaborate with others to learn, strategize, and/or fund together. Members also rank collaboration near the top of topics about which they want to learn more. Earlier this month, I facilitated a strategy salon on collaboration. Riffing off the world café method, we explored 5 key questions... Read More

What’s Different With a Focus?

Five years ago, The Belk Foundation looked very different than it does today. When I was asked to come on as the foundation’s first full-time director, the objective from the board was clear: help us connect this 80-plus-year-old foundation more fully into the community, so that we may better understand the impact of our grantmaking.... Read More

Are You Creating Space for Young Leaders to Lead?

Many young philanthropists ask themselves early on, Am I doing this right? It is understandable that emerging leaders may feel underprepared. They often are the youngest or newest member of a board or staff, sometimes just starting their professional journeys. But something more powerful than age or experience is also at work: Almost to a... Read More

The Attitude, and What We Can Learn From Funders Who Possess It

At Foundant, we are fortunate to work with many grantmakers of different geographies, sizes, areas of interest, and grantmaking styles. Yet, the vast majority share a similar trait. They view their responsibility as maximizing the impact their philanthropic assets will have today and in the future. This perspective fuels their passion, and it is tangible.... Read More

Try These 7 Methods to Get to a Giving Focus

Exponent Philanthropy recently revised The Foundation Guidebook, our signature publication for those new to foundations or philanthropy. Below is an excerpt from the 128-page resource. Get your copy >> Many foundations use a combination of methods to settle on a focus. Once you consider the approaches that follow, it is important to recognize when you may... Read More