Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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You Talk With Your Mentor About What Exactly?

Mentorship is an elusive idea. Magazines are full of advice on building and maintaining most kinds of relationships (employment, marriage, parenting), but there are few road maps for finding and nurturing mentorships. This despite the fact that most, if not all, leaders will include the support they received from mentors as part of their recipes... Read More

The Challenges Grantmakers Face in Supporting Technology

Originally published by Idealware (March 2017) Can grants managers play a role in helping nonprofits get the technology funding they need to be successful? I led a discussion on this topic yesterday at the PEAK Grantmaking (formerly Grants Managers Network) conference in Hollywood, California. The breakout session, “How To Spot the Missing Tech in Grant Proposals,”... Read More

The Healing Power of “No”

Forgive me for stating the obvious, but the word “no” has a negative connotation. And that’s a shame because, if used properly, “no” might actually be the ultimate philanthropic teaching and learning tool. We live in a society where so many of us are afraid to say that magic word— “no”— and so, we become... Read More

Meet Taproot: A Resource on What Nonprofits Need

Infrastructure is sexy. It helps an organization achieve its goals. It should be easy to get access to the resources you need to perform these functions. But over half of nonprofits—the organizations charged with solving society’s greatest challenges—report that they don’t have the resources they need to meet their clients’ needs. Taproot Foundation is committed... Read More

Much More Than Money – The Impact of Small Rural Foundations

When most people think of foundations, they think of deep pockets. That’s understandable, since the popular public perception of philanthropy has been shaped by the creation of multimillion-dollar foundations by titans of old, and enforced by the glamour of new foundations launched to much fanfare by today’s billionaires. In rural communities, the creation of big-dollar... Read More

Find the Giving Brand You Didn’t Know You Had

Exponent Philanthropy member and foundation consultant Dawn Franks, founder/CEO of Your Philanthropy, recently published the e-book Giving Fingerprints, designed to help funders recognize where their giving is taking them and what it tells others about them. This post is adapted from the e-book, available now for complimentary download. You have a unique giving brand. Whether... Read More