Administration Archives - Page 14 of 22 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Administration”

Records Retention Policy

A records retention policy is a simple written document—one or two pages—that summarizes your procedures for storing, organizing, purging, archiving, and protecting foundation documents and fulfilling public reporting requirements. A records retention policy typically includes the following information: What documents you store and how long you store them Where you store different types of documents:... Read More

Annual Reports

Tailoring to Your Needs and Budget Annual reports can take many forms depending on your foundation’s resources and goals: A short, typed document listing the year’s grants. An elaborately designed and printed publication. A simple one- or two-page letter, either created in-house or with the help of communications consultants. Importantly, annual reports don’t need to... Read More

Employment-Related Taxes

Here, step-by-step, is an overview of everything you need to know, file, and pay to get off to a good start with a new staff person. Classify Every person who receives compensation needs to be classified as an employee or a contractor. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has guidelines (in publication 15-A) to help you... Read More

Your Foundation’s Brand Identity

Although your grants speak volumes about your identity, your foundation may play other roles that do just as much good—maybe even more. Maybe it’s speaking out about education issues or offering expertise in neighborhood development. How do you find your foundation’s voice? What is your identity? Some large foundations hire consultants at five- and six-figure... Read More