Administration Archives - Page 17 of 22 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Administration”

The Makings of Phenomenal Foundation Executive Directors

From masterful communicators to continual learners, phenomenal foundation executive directors share a number of characteristics and skills. Masterful communicators It’s taken me time to feel comfortable communicating from my heart. For many years, I thought of that as less than professional, but I’m learning that part of being an effective communicator is to deliver authentic... Read More

Telling Your Foundation’s Story

Documenting and sharing your story can guide those who lead the foundation now and in the future, articulate your goals to potential grantees and the public at large, and inspire all those who are touched by the foundation’s good work. How are Exponent Philanthropy members telling their stories? Keep it simple For Jane Leighty Justis,... Read More

Webinar Recording
Leveraging Media to Advance Your Philanthropic Goals

Funders of all types and sizes are using strategic communications to advance their philanthropic goals, especially in today’s world that demands increasing transparency. This webinar addressed how thoughtful and strategic media engagement can amplify the impact of your philanthropy and offered tips for engaging media using Exponent Philanthropy’s new Media Toolkit as a guide. Speakers: Rob DiLeonardi, executive... Read More