Advocacy Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Advocacy”

Advocacy Field Guide
for Lean Funders

How Small and Place-Based Foundations and Donors Can Make Big Change With Little Money Funders with few or no staff are perfectly positioned to fund and engage in advocacy. Smaller funders have deep ties to their communities, can act quickly to respond to emerging opportunities, and can focus in a laser-like way. Donors and trustees... Read More

Webinar Recording
Advocacy by Small Foundations

Many funders are tired of applying bandages. They are looking for ways to address issues at their core and make deeper, longer-lasting change. Small foundations are perfectly positioned to catalyze change by funding and engaging in advocacy. Discover the many powerful ways you can play needed roles such as convening, capacity building, commissioning research, and... Read More

My Family’s Foundation Entered the Policy Arena, and We Are Not Looking Back

The system needs to change. Like many family foundations, The Wright Family Foundation in Texas receives several worthy requests that we turn down due to lack of funds. Most of our grants are program or project based—reacting to the problems at hand rather than tackling them before they become an issue. Considering this, the foundation... Read More