All Audiences Archives - Page 67 of 107 - Exponent Philanthropy


The Healing Power of “No”

Forgive me for stating the obvious, but the word “no” has a negative connotation. And that’s a shame because, if used properly, “no” might actually be the ultimate philanthropic teaching and learning tool. We live in a society where so many of us are afraid to say that magic word— “no”— and so, we become... Read More

Why Academic Research Should Be Part of Every Giving Portfolio

Benefunder is fueling innovation by providing a marketplace for researchers and philanthropists to come together to solve some of the biggest problems facing our world. Consider these statistics: 50% of wealth creation in the U.S. since WWII can be directly attributed to a research grant. Research impacts all cause areas: environment, life sciences, technology, education, and... Read More

Three Ways to Keep Delusional Altruism From Undermining Your Philanthropy

Every philanthropist or philanthropic organization means well—it’s the nature of the business after all. And, as philanthropies, we all try to make decisions that are in service to our missions, represent good stewardship, and result in the greatest impact. But sometimes, in making those very decisions, we unintentionally do more to damage our impact than... Read More