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What Will You Do Today?

Before taking on the work of philanthropy and grantmaking, I was a gubernatorial appointee in charge of environmental policies for the Commonwealth of Virginia. The first Governor I worked for used to keep a sign prominently displayed on his desk. It said, “Today is opportunity day. Do something!” What a great attitude for those of... Read More

Philanthropy Lessons: Getting Out of the Office

I recently joined a panel of experienced colleagues in an engaging group discussion of the role site visits play in philanthropy and how best to structure them to achieve maximum benefit. Today, Exponent Philanthropy released a related video, the final in its 9-part Philanthropy Lessons series. Philanthropy Lessons: Getting Out of the Office explores site... Read More

The “Other” Investment Policy Statement

To create change, improve lives, or find a cure, philanthropists must approach their work as an investment and not simply as a gift. By definition, gift giving requires nothing in return. So when our sector talks about major gifts or big givers, we lose track of what effective philanthropy should be: a carefully constructed investment... Read More

From Our Work With 1,000 Funders, Here Are 3 Tips for Measuring Impact

There is no doubt that measuring impact is the hottest trend in philanthropy today. How can our organization track the outcomes our grants are having? How can we track more useful information to make better decisions? At Foundant, we hear iterations of these questions regularly. From working with almost 1,000 grantmakers, we’ve identified some steps you... Read More