August 2021 - Exponent Philanthropy

August 2021 Resources

Are You Using Your Power, or Leaving It on the Table?

Power is taboo. We’re uncomfortable that some wield greater strength and influence, and use it to hold sway over others. In spite of our laws and regulations, our checks and balances, our moral and social norms nurturing restraint and respect, people use power to bend rules; exclude and disenfranchise; distort facts and disseminate misinformation; manufacture... Read More

Community and Collaboration Drive Family Foundation’s Grantmaking

Through community and collaboration, the people of New Mexico have survived harsh conditions to thrive for hundreds of years. As a foundation that funds exclusively in the state, we continue to see the power of these values in our philanthropic work. Our most recent strategic plan states, “If we co-create a more aligned, collaborative and... Read More