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Successful Site Visits

“Few tasks in the foundation world prove as interesting, rewarding, and exhilarating as the site visit,” write the authors of Grantmaking Basics: A Field Guide for Funders. “Site visits can lift your spirits and enliven your day by reminding you precisely why you chose to work in the foundation world.” Make the most of your... Read More

Five Steps to Conducting Effective Site Visits

For small foundations and large foundations alike, conducting site visits often is an important step in deciding whether to fund a nonprofit. Being comfortable scheduling and conducting a site visit is an important skill. The following are steps you can take to maximize the site visit experience. Step 1 Establish a purpose. A site visit... Read More

Smarter Site Visits

Originally appeared on GrantCraft’s blog (May 6, 2015) A former colleague and friend at a small education nonprofit recently called to pick my brain about the role of site visits from a foundation perspective.  She was in the midst of planning a visit with a local program officer. A $10,000 grant was on the line,... Read More