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Search Results for “site visits”

Annual Board To-Dos: The Must-Have Checklist for Running a Foundation

What’s on the agenda for your board this year? Are you covering the bases of good governance? Maintaining a checklist of annual to-dos can be an easy way to keep your foundation up to date and on-track. A checklist for your board can serve as a reminder of your legal obligations and governance best practices.... Read More

When and How to Partner with Philanthropic Advisers

To paraphrase the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, it’s easy to give away money. However, it’s much more difficult to know how and where to give it. Anyone who has managed a grantmaking program understands. Granting money is not difficult. Doing it effectively is another story. That’s why many leanly staffed foundations often enlist philanthropic advisers—organizations... Read More

10 Ways To Boost Your Facilitation Skills

As funders, you may participate in board meetings and site visits, committee meetings and funder collaboratives, grantee convenings and focus groups, staff meetings, and more. Having adept facilitation skills can make these gatherings more efficient, engaging and enjoyable for all. Here are ten ways to boost your facilitation skills: 1. Plan, Plan, Plan Most facilitation... Read More

When Advocacy Looks More Like Partnership: Inside the Work of a Successful Funders Coalition

When we strip away the messaging and maneuvering in politics, it’s clear that governments and foundations across the country often seek common goals. Among these are: Strengthening education and vocational training Increasing access to childcare and healthcare Creating jobs and new businesses Safeguarding the environment Unfortunately, government and foundations tend to operate in silos. They... Read More

Lean Funders Reflect on COVID-19 and 2020

2020 was an unexpectedly challenging year. The pandemic changed the nature of work, and how we interact with our boards, staff and the nonprofits in our communities. We asked members of the Exponent Philanthropy community to reflect on COVID-19, how it affected their work in 2020, and what they foresee for 2021. Lean funders stepped... Read More