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Search Results for “site visits”

Involving Young Children and Preteens in Philanthropy

Today many parents include their children in philanthropic activities as a way to pass on their personal values, provide shared experiences, establish traditions, and enjoy a satisfying and fulfilling family venture together. Sometimes parents also have the goal of preparing their children to manage the family’s philanthropy when they are adults. Involving children in philanthropy... Read More

Creating an Executive Director Job Description

Most foundations share basic activities, and most executive directors have common responsibilities; therefore, it is possible to use a generic executive director job description as a template and adapt it to fit the needs of your foundation. Generally, a template should be used only after you have determined what tasks should be completed by trustees,... Read More

Why Some Foundations Keep Grant Records Indefinitely

There’s more to recordkeeping than meets the eye. Some foundations have discovered that good recordkeeping helps them improve their grantmaking and stay informed in their communities. In search of trends The Vine and Branches Foundation goes beyond the rules of recordkeeping. It uses records to assess where the foundation has been and where it wants... Read More

Creating and Running a Giving Circle

The following guidelines, adapted from the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers’ Giving Circles Knowledge Center, can be a useful checklist for decision making when creating and running a giving circle. It is unnecessary to follow these guidelines in order; for example, some newly launched giving circles already may have a focus or a host... Read More

Taking a Sabbatical

“People in philanthropy don’t give themselves permission to take a break,” says Exponent Philanthropy member Nancy Wiltsek, executive director of The Pottruck Family Foundation in San Francisco and trustee of The Gagarin Trust. “Everyone assumes we’re the ones with the cushy jobs. We give money away, so what do we need time off for?” Wiltsek... Read More

Administrative Expenses: Too Much? Too Little?

From a tax law perspective, a private foundation may pay “reasonable and necessary” administrative expenses—and count them toward its annual distribution requirement—without subjecting the foundation or its managers to a penalty tax. These expenses must be (a) related to the accomplishment of the foundation’s charitable purposes, (b) related to its investments, or (c) payments of... Read More