Andy Carroll, Author at Exponent Philanthropy

Andy Carroll Recent Posts

A Call for Catalytic Leadership in Philanthropy

Philanthropy is constantly evolving. Pressing issues and major political, economic, and technological shifts push funders to reassess their approach. Some lean funders—those with few or no staff—stand out by centering their giving on authentic relationships with grantees and community members. Exponent Philanthropy calls this approach Catalytic Leadership in Philanthropy (CLIP), a mindset and practice that... Read More

Advocacy: A Crucial Tool for Lean Funders

For far too long, foundations and philanthropists have stayed out of policy debates. Consequently, many nonprofits supported by these foundations have avoided political involvement to avoid upsetting their donors. However, this silence comes at a cost.  Advocacy and Lobbying by Private Foundations Funders can support and participate in advocacy and encourage their grantees to do... Read More

Equitable Grantmaking: Essential, Fundamental Practices

To make an outsized and lasting impact in their communities and issue areas, grantmakers must be intentional about equity and inclusion within their boards, governance, and funding efforts. The journey towards equitable grantmaking is not merely about ticking boxes; it’s a transformative process that demands introspection, learning, and action. While adopting equitable grantmaking practices serves... Read More

How a Lean Foundation Sparked Economic Revitalization Where Business and Government Could Not

A common theme on Exponent’s Catalytic Philanthropy Podcast is leanly staffed foundations’ unique ability to catalyze systems change in ways other entities cannot. Lean foundations can assume more risk, focus on specific issues, and concentrate on distinct locations. Their capacity to convene, advocate, and fund grassroots movements gives them a dynamic edge. We often think... Read More

What Grantees Want: Championing Your Partners and Their Work

Funders and grantees share a relationship that goes beyond just financial support—it’s built on mutual respect, trust, and collaboration to create meaningful change. One powerful but often overlooked way funders can strengthen this relationship is by actively championing their grantee partners. Feedback from our Grantee and Applicant Perception Surveys (GAPS) shows that grantees want funders... Read More