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Exponent Philanthropy Recent Posts

Living in Truth

The life of Martin Luther King, Jr. calls us to remember that truth can be found not only in grant evaluations and reports, not only in surveys and community assessments, or in the vast sets of data available to us as philanthropists. Dr. King reminds us that truth can be found in our hearts. Extraordinary... Read More

New Regulations Spotlight Nonprofit Overhead

By Henry Berman, Exponent Philanthropy It’s January in Washington, DC, and there is no shortage of pundits, politicians, and pollsters with wisdom as to what the 114th Congress and President Obama will do, or try to do, in the coming year. As philanthropists faced with funding opportunities today, we are likely better served by looking back and... Read More

Why We Focus on Learning

When I joined Hau’oli Mau Loa Foundation in 2008, the board and I realized that we could leverage our grants by promoting learning among ourselves and our grantee partners. A learning mindset makes it possible for our ears to be attuned to input Because we strive to approach everything as an opportunity for new insights,... Read More

Change Up Your Giving With These Creative Strategies

Philanthropy is well-positioned to serve causes around the world in creative ways. The following examples from Exponent Philanthropy members illustrate some less common giving strategies that draw on the unique assets funders hold. Use them to expand your portfolio, or be inspired to think of other ways to leverage your dollars, experience, reputation, and time. Provide... Read More

Small Foundations Embrace Advocacy to Catalyze Change

This post, based on research by Exponent Philanthropy Senior Program Director Andy Carroll, was originally featured on the Bolder Advocacy blog. An initiative of the Alliance for Justice, Bolder Advocacy equips nonprofits and foundations with the knowledge and tools to advocate effectively. People who believe in advocacy as a strategy for change wonder: “How can we encourage more foundations to... Read More