Brendan McCormick, Author at Exponent Philanthropy - Page 5 of 5

Brendan McCormick Recent Posts

Lean Funders Are Adjusting Their Grantmaking and Operations to Respond to COVID-19: Week of March 30

On Friday, March 27, Exponent Philanthropy hosted a second live discussion among lean funders to discuss how they are responding to COVID-19. We will continue to host these discussions every Friday at 2 PM ET to give all lean funders the opportunity to connect around their response. We are also compiling COVID-19 information and resources relevant to lean... Read More

When $100,000 Goes Further Than a Traditional Grant

Many nonprofits across the country struggle with financial viability, according to a recent report based on data provided by GuideStar. The majority have less than one month of operating reserves, and 30% face potential liquidity issues. Nonprofits in the education and health and human services sectors, typically reliant on government contracts and fee-for-service-revenue, operate with... Read More