Brendan McCormick, Author at Exponent Philanthropy

Brendan McCormick Recent Posts

How Lean Funders Responded to Recent Historic Inflation

In 2022, the United States experienced historically high inflation rates. This took a toll on communities, nonprofits, and foundations alike. Inflation significantly impacted funders and altered the ways they approached grantmaking, grantees, and staff compensation. Some foundations even considered modifying their investment strategies to keep pace with rampant inflation. We compiled this information in our... Read More

Key Insights from the 2024 Foundation Operations and Management Report

Exponent Philanthropy is proud to release the latest edition of the Foundation Operations and Management Report (FOMR). This premier benchmarking resource offers mission-critical statistics on grantmaking, boards and governance, investments, and administration—including salary and benefits—for foundations with few or no staff. This blog has an interesting or important finding from each section of our 2024 report.... Read More

Philanthropic Impact: Key Strategies and Factors

As foundations strive to make meaningful change in support of their missions, understanding what leads to philanthropic impact is crucial. In the 2023 Foundation Operations and Management Report, foundations named insufficient grantmaking impact as one of their top challenges. In this blog, I’ll discuss a few factors that drive impact, as well as strategies for... Read More

We Need More Disability Inclusive Philanthropy

As foundations strive to create a more equitable world, they must not overlook the importance of disability inclusive philanthropy. Individuals with disabilities make up about 27% of the U.S. population. Yet, they’re consistently underrepresented on foundation boards and staff. Our 2024 Foundation Operations and Management Report found that just 11% of participating foundations had at... Read More

Disaggregated Data Collection and Use by Lean Foundations

Foundations play a critical role in advancing equity and addressing disparities in our society. One key practice that foundations are increasingly adopting is the collection and use of disaggregated data. Disaggregated data refers to the separation of compiled information into smaller units based on various characteristics such as age, sex, geographic area, education, ethnicity, or... Read More