Hanh Le, Author at Exponent Philanthropy

Hanh Le Recent Posts

The Case for Investing in Nonprofit Talent

Adapted from materials created by Jessica Bearman, Mark Sedway, and Rusty Stahl for the Talent Philanthropy Toolkit (Version 1.0) Between 1992 and 2011, according to research by Talent Philanthropy, foundations devoted less than 1% of grant dollars toward supporting the recruitment, retention, compensation, development, or retirement of nonprofit talent. In fact, the signals grantmakers send often... Read More

Planning for a Ramp Up in Giving

More foundations than ever before are facing the exciting prospect of significantly ramping up and increasing charitable giving and other activities. Whether resulting from the receipt of an estate, sale of a company, or simply a decision to contribute more resources and/or spend assets more aggressively, foundations that ramp up are undergoing a shift in... Read More

Key Questions for Collaborators

About two-thirds of Exponent Philanthropy’s members tell us they collaborate with others to learn, strategize, and/or fund together. Members also rank collaboration near the top of topics about which they want to learn more. Earlier this month, I facilitated a strategy salon on collaboration. Riffing off the world café method, we explored 5 key questions... Read More