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Time-Limited Philanthropy: Embracing Mortality Can Drive Urgency and Excellence

In Give Smart, Thomas J. Tierney and Joel L. Fleishman wrote that private foundation excellence is self-imposed. “Of all the characteristics that distinguish philanthropists, the single most consequential may be the fact that they are essentially accountable to no one but themselves,” they said. Governments must win the favor of voters. Companies must earn customer... Read More

Pivoting Through COVID-19: Portfolio Alignment for Foundations

In 2020, the pandemic upended our daily lives and the philanthropic landscape. But the Claire Friedlander Family Foundation‘s board saw this crisis as an opportunity to transform their giving, investment focus and protocol — proactively aligning the assets of the foundation with its mission. The pandemic and ensuing hardships gave the board the impetus to... Read More

How We Help Black Business Enterprises Access Capital To Grow and Thrive

Having a thriving economy throughout New Jersey is essential to our mission of helping working families achieve financial stability, healthy relationships and hope. Access to jobs that pay a steady, living wage is part of the system we want to help bring about. Nurturing businesses and entrepreneurs in equitable ways is something we embrace—and it’s... Read More