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How Lean Funders Responded to Recent Historic Inflation

In 2022, the United States experienced historically high inflation rates. This took a toll on communities, nonprofits, and foundations alike. Inflation significantly impacted funders and altered the ways they approached grantmaking, grantees, and staff compensation. Some foundations even considered modifying their investment strategies to keep pace with rampant inflation. We compiled this information in our... Read More

Using Multiyear Funding to Supercharge Your Grantmaking

Multiyear funding—support that funders commit up-front for multiple years—is a key to strengthening nonprofit effectiveness, capacity, and impact. These grants guarantee income streams, lessening the time grantees need to fundraise so they can better carry out their missions. When many foundations are cutting grant budgets and reducing their number of grantees, committing scarce funds for... Read More

How a Lean Foundation Sparked Economic Revitalization Where Business and Government Could Not

A common theme on Exponent’s Catalytic Philanthropy Podcast is leanly staffed foundations’ unique ability to catalyze systems change in ways other entities cannot. Lean foundations can assume more risk, focus on specific issues, and concentrate on distinct locations. Their capacity to convene, advocate, and fund grassroots movements gives them a dynamic edge. We often think... Read More

Adapting Your Grant Approach Series: Tips for Funding Returning Grantees

This post originally appeared on the Foundation Source blog. Many private foundations fund specific organizations multiple times over several grantmaking cycles. Doing so can help continue a particular charitable program or project, or simply provide a subsequent round of general operating support. As organizations seeking continued support (“returning grantees”) are viewed in a different light than first-time... Read More