Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Beyond Administrative Costs: A Better Way to Judge a Charity

As a program officer, I can remember the hours of sitting with our grants committee reviewing proposals. It seemed that we always spent a large amount of time reviewing each applicant’s budget and other financial information. How I would have loved to include Jack Shakely’s LA Times editorial, The Worst Way to Judge a Charity,... Read More

Change Up Your Giving With These Creative Strategies

Philanthropy is well-positioned to serve causes around the world in creative ways. The following examples from Exponent Philanthropy members illustrate some less common giving strategies that draw on the unique assets funders hold. Use them to expand your portfolio, or be inspired to think of other ways to leverage your dollars, experience, reputation, and time. Provide... Read More

Philanthropy Debates Its Role

Debates about philanthropy’s role have heated up since the 1980s, as the federal government cut taxes and support for many social programs, a series of recessions battered the economy, and economic hardship deepened and expanded. In this era of scarcity, philanthropy has been pulled into a much higher profile. Demands come from lawmakers seeking private... Read More

Reclaiming Philanthropy’s Role as Changemaker

I see dozens of funders around the country making change—catalyzing new ways of doing and thinking—without the support of a sizeable staff. This kind of change is bigger in scope than starting a new nonprofit organization, or helping a promising organization serve more people. Changemaking by small-staffed funders is transforming how people think about and... Read More

What Do You Know? What Can You Do?

This morning I found myself thinking about lessons learned about inspiration in grantmaking from the Girl Scout troop I co-led for many years. Our girls didn’t do grantmaking, of course, but they did do a lot of community service projects. Several of our 11- to 14-year-olds earned the Silver Award, where the girl selects, plans,... Read More