Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “All Audiences”  

Social Justice Investing: Aligning Portfolios With a Social Justice Mission

Social justice refers to everyone in society having equal access to the social determinants of health including economic stability; education access and quality; health care access and quality; neighborhood and built environment; and social and community content. For investors, a widening income inequality gap can change risk and return expectations across investment opportunities and may... Read More

Adapting Your Grant Approach Series: Tips for Funding Returning Grantees

This post originally appeared on the Foundation Source blog. Many private foundations fund specific organizations multiple times over several grantmaking cycles. Doing so can help continue a particular charitable program or project, or simply provide a subsequent round of general operating support. As organizations seeking continued support (“returning grantees”) are viewed in a different light than first-time... Read More

Convening to Build Capacity

When it comes to learning about important issues and moving the needle in the right direction, convening is a low-cost and high-impact leadership tool you can’t overlook. The Exponent Philanthropy member John Gogian Family Foundation and executive director Lindsey Stammerjohn began convening grantees in 2010 as part of a capacity building initiative. They recognized common struggles that many grantee... Read More

Measuring the Effectiveness of Capacity Building Support: A Metrics Menu

As funders increasingly seek to supply resources beyond financial support to their grantees, many are engaging third-party consultants to provide capacity building assistance. But how can funders know whether these resources are really strengthening grantees? What are some reasonable benchmarks for evaluating this assistance? We at Arbor Brothers are fervent believers in the value of capacity building—so... Read More

5 Ways to Involve Youth in Philanthropy

Today’s young people come to philanthropy via many paths—not only by way of their families’ charitable giving. For example, with a combined decade of experience in philanthropy, teens Sarah Saltzman and Luke Sturtz don’t come from families with foundations or formal giving vehicles. They plugged into philanthropy through school and community. Sarah grew up volunteering... Read More

The Importance of a Funder’s Humility

Each quarter, I write to our member donors to pass along insights I gather in my dual role as Exponent Philanthropy member and CEO, and to provide a special window onto our activities. My most recent communication—sent last month—sparked many positive notes in return, from donors who found it helpful personally and in working with... Read More