Administration Archives - Page 4 of 22 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Administration”

When and How to Partner with Philanthropic Advisers

To paraphrase the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, it’s easy to give away money. However, it’s much more difficult to know how and where to give it. Anyone who has managed a grantmaking program understands. Granting money is not difficult. Doing it effectively is another story. That’s why many leanly staffed foundations often enlist philanthropic advisers—organizations... Read More

Why Your Net Grant Matters

What is a net grant and why does it matter? Well, time is money and grantees incur costs while applying for grants. For instance, think about how long it could take a nonprofit to customize their financial documents to your specifications, and language to your unique questions and formatting. According to Project Streamline, nonprofits can... Read More

Embracing Strategic Planning In Philanthropy

This primer introduces you to the wide world of foundation strategic planning. No two strategic plans are alike, and the process for developing and implementing strategic plans can be just as different. In this primer, you’ll discover why funders engage in strategic planning, get an overview of the strategic planning process, and hear what other... Read More