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Topic: “Advocacy”

When Advocacy Looks More Like Partnership: Inside the Work of a Successful Funders Coalition

When we strip away the messaging and maneuvering in politics, it’s clear that governments and foundations across the country often seek common goals. Among these are: Strengthening education and vocational training Increasing access to childcare and healthcare Creating jobs and new businesses Safeguarding the environment Unfortunately, government and foundations tend to operate in silos. They... Read More

Why Our Foundation Created Oklahoma’s First Legislative Caucus on Early Childhood

In 2016, the Potts Family Foundation created a statewide collaborative called the Oklahoma Early Childhood Initiative, later dubbed OK25by25. Our stated goal is to move Oklahoma into the top 25 of all states by 2025 in key early childhood metrics. Our key demographic is families with children, pre-birth to five. Through listening sessions with key... Read More

My Family’s Foundation Entered the Policy Arena, and We Are Not Looking Back

The system needs to change. Like many family foundations, The Wright Family Foundation in Texas receives several worthy requests that we turn down due to lack of funds. Most of our grants are program or project based—reacting to the problems at hand rather than tackling them before they become an issue. Considering this, the foundation... Read More